Emil Cosman Biography, Early Life, Migration, Education, Career, Books, YouTube, Net Worth


Emil Cosman is a American writer, vlogger and senior CPS investigator popularly known for books like “God's Nature” and “A Better Society We Should Create” as well as a YouTube channel named emilcosman90, on which he analyzes historical events and provides solution to them

In this article we'll be taking a look at everything you need to know about Emil Cosman, from his early life to his education, career, books, YouTube channel and net worth

Who is Emil Cosman

Who is Emil Cosman? Emil Cosman is a American writer, vlogger and senior CPS investigator popularly known for books like “God's Nature” and “A Better Society We Should Create” as well as a YouTube channel named emilcosman90, on which he analyzes historical events and provides solution to them. 

But more is there to know about this great writer?

Emil Cosman Biography

Early Life, Migration and Education

Emil Cosman was born in Romania but migrated to the United States in search for a better life. As a result of the problems he faced and the issues he had to deal with as an Romanian immigrant who moved to the United States, he decided to pick an interest in observing and analysing the dynamics and pattern of living in the United States. 

Although not much is known about Emil Cosman's education it is at least known that he attended the Michigan State University in 2008 and graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor's degree in Sociology. As seen on his LinkedIn profile, Cosman graduated with a GPA of 3.92. 


Emil Cosman is a writer, vlogger and senior CPS investigator in the state of Michigan.

As a writer, Emil Cosman has written books like “God's Nature: A 21st Century Critical Analysis of the Judeo-Christian God,” “God's Nature: A 21st Century Analysis of the Judeo-Christian God -Volume II,” and “A Better Society We Should Create: Viable Options and Solutions Needed to Create a Better Society.” 

Cosman's goal as a writer is to assess the realities of societies in the United States and provide ideas and strategies on how they can be improved, thanks to his Bachelor's degree in Sociology which provides him with the tools needed to do this. 

Other than being a writer, Emil Cosman is also a vlogger. He owns a YouTube channel named emilcosman90 on which he analyzes and synthesizes the past and present historical, political and social events while suggesting the perfect solution to them. 

In March 2013, Emil Cosman started working as an investigator for the state of Michigan with specialization in cases of child abuse and neglect. 

Emil Cosman Books

Some of the books Emil Cosman is known to have written include:

  • God's Nature: A 21st Century Critical Analysis of the Judeo-Christian God
  • God's Nature: A 21st Century Analysis of the Judeo-Christian God -Volume II
  • A Better Society We Should Create: Viable Options and Solutions Needed to Create a Better Society

Emil Cosman LinkedIn

Here's the link to Emil Cosman's LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emil-cosman-8a4919208?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app

Emil Cosman YouTube 

Emil Cosman's YouTube channel can be found @emilcosman90

Emil Cosman Net Worth

As of now, nothing is known about Emil Cosman's net worth 

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