Bite King Biography: 10 Things You Need To Know About The Food Content Creator


Bite King is a Phillipine food content creator who is popularly known for his relatable and captivating food contents most of which can be found on TikTok

Bite King is a Phillipine food content creator who is popularly known for his relatable and captivating food contents most of which can be found on TikTok. 

He started his food content creation journey by simply posting videos of himself enjoying street foods in Phillipines until one of his videos went viral on TikTok and brought him into spotlight.

But what more is there to know about Bite King? 

10 Things To Know About Bite King

Here are 10 things you need to know about Bite King, the popular Phillipine food content creator:

  • His real name is James Torres
  • He is from Targum City in Phillipines
  • His initial career plan was to venture into comedy before he changed his mind and went into food content creation
  • After realizing the power of visual consumption, he started creating food contents that were visually appealing and good enough to tantalize the taste buds of his audience
  • He also takes food request from his audience before creating contents on them. These foods range from daring culinary choices to common street food favourites
  • His choice to consume local street delicacies in his videos is what resonates with audience and helps him garner millions of views
  • Although his primary social media is TikTok, he also posts some of his videos on Instagram couples with playful commentaries and witty banters
  • He entertains his audience in three languages; Bisaya, Tagalog, and English
  • His TikTok account is @jamesboyyy and he has over 1.9m followers while his Instagram account is also @jamesboyyy with over 60k followers
  • He has an estimated net worth of $5 million, thanks to his engaging contents

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