Josh Mojica Biography: 10 Things You Need To Know About Him


Josh Mojica is a Philippine entrepreneur that is popularly known for becoming a millionaire before the age of 18

Josh Mojica is a Philippine entrepreneur that is popularly known for becoming a millionaire before the age of 18. He founded Kangkong Chips, an establishment that is into the business of producing and selling chips made from water spinach (known as Kangkong). 

Since establishing Kangkong Chips in 2021, Josh Mojica has been able to expand its operations and turn it into a million-dollar business.

But what more is there to know about him?

In this article, we'll tell you 10 things you need to know about Josh Mojica. 

10 Things To Know About Josh Mojica

Here are 10 things you need to know about Josh Mojica, the popular owner of Kangkong Chips:

  • His full name is Josh “Jhelo” Mojica
  • He was born in 2005 in Cavite, Phillipine, and was also raised there
  • He decided to venture into the world of entrepreneurship at the age of 17 after being inspired by the teachings of his late grandfather and driven by the desire to contribute to his family's financial well-being
  • He started Kangkong Chips in June 2021 with a recipe from his aunt as well as production and packaging assistance from his classmates. He was also inspired to start the business after discovering the potential of his aunt's Fried Kangkong business
  • He stopped schooling in 2022 to focus on his company, Kangkong Chips
  • He has turned Kangkong Chips into a million-dollar business with factories, company vans and over 100 employees
  • His business, Kangkong Chips, also receives orders from various regions in Phillipine as well as foreign countries like the United States and Canada
  • He earned his first million Pesos in 2022, around a year after starting his company
  • In December 2022, he featured in a video on Julius Babao UNPLUGGED vlog where he gave the public insights into his factory and the process of making Kangkong Chips. 
  • He is reportedly dating Phillipine actress Kathryn Bernardo

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